
Become a Best Year Yet® client, the coaching program that has been changing lives globally for over four decades.


  • Using a coaching process that creates the space for you to experience profound personal transformation
  • Taking a holistic approach to the coaching process that addresses your limiting beliefs and behaviors, helps you create a positive mindset moving forward, and shows you how to set goals that are consistent with your personal values
  • Helping you quickly and easily create a year-long plan for success with agendas for 12 monthly coaching sessions built right in
  • Providing you with an online system and a mobile app that captures your goals and tracks your progress
  • Having access to individual coaching by a Best Year Yet certified coach that takes your life to the next level

It would feel amazing, wouldn’t it?

Who is this program for?

  • Clients who want to experience personal transformation, a shift in beliefs and behaviors that propel them to live the life they imagine

Here’s what you get

  • Coaching and application of the Best Year Yet process for you, the client
  • Your very own Client Portal with access to your Best Year Yet plan in one place
  • A mobile app that gives you access to your plan while on the go
  • Individual coaching from Gayle Hanrahan, a Best Year Yet and Center for Coaching certified coach, with decades of coaching and training experience. Gayle has over four decades of corporate and private client experience, working with industry leaders in media, manufacturing and medical software industries.


1. Schedule an interview with Gayle. She will answer all of your questions and walk you through the program. The purpose of the interview is to determine if we are the right coaching program for you and how the program will benefit your unique situation.

2. Choose the coaching date to put together your Best Year Yet one page plan. (4-5 hours at one time)

3. Set up monthly coaching sessions to work your plan. (1-2 hour sessions TBD)

At the end of the initial coaching date, you will:

  • Complete your own powerful yearlong coaching plan.
  • Understand the 10 questions used in creating the plan
  • Use and understand the client tracking program known as PRO (Producing Results Online)
  • Learn how to use the monthly on-line agenda for our coaching review and accountability session
  • Understand how to use the 12 monthly Producing Results lessons for yourself
  • Learn the importance of setting quarterly milestones
  • Understand how to score Traffic Light reviews

Gayle believes that everyone who comes across her path was meant to do so and she welcomes you into the community of Best Year Yet clients.

Your investment: Gayle offers a variety of coaching packages --with different time spans and prices to meet your needs and budget. Sliding scale and payment plans are also available.


We do one thing and we do it very well.

We help our clients set clear, exciting, attainable goals and provide a simple, proven process for reaching them.

We have the passion and know-how to turn your goals into reality. We have helped individuals and small groups create attainable goals and coached them along the road to success. 

There is no one size fits all. While our process is uniquely simple -- it is fueled by your equally unique road map for success. 

Don't have a road map? No problem -- you will in short order when you work with us. Our goal is to get you to execute, not just plan. We focus on real issues, and we produce tangible outcomes. We use the context of your personal or business reality to develop the strategies and behaviors necessary for success. 


Five Principles of Transformation

1. Appreciate success

2. Learn Your Lessons

3. Shift your limiting beliefs and assumptions

4. Live your values

5. Set and focus on goals


During our initial Best Year Yet planning session, you will:

• Review personal performance and identify useful lessons

• Assess how we prevent and inhibit our own achievement

• Review personal values

• Set goals for all life roles, both at work and outside work

• Generate a powerful one-page plan as a guide for the year

• Create a personal strategy for following through with the plan


• Lead more fulfilling lives

• Build greater wealth

• Find better careers

• Get fit and look better

• Create relationships that work

• Strengthen spiritual connections

• Become masters at producing results 

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Get in touch with me right now and let's start working on your best year yet!