BYY Teams

Testimonials – All Programs

Athletes/World Record Holders

Using Best Year Yet® helped us helped us achieve results that were truly incredible - it made a huge difference in the outcome of our expedition."

~ Erik Weihenmayer
Author, Speaker, Professional Adventurer and first blind climber to summit Mount Everest

"Best Year Yet® made a huge difference in the outcome of our expedition. It is a truly wonderful. powerful and effective tool."~

~ Erik Weihenmayer
Author, Speaker, Professional Adventurer and first blind climber to summit Mount Everest

"It helped me to have a better relationship with my daughter Jewel and it's helped me get started and stay focused on becoming a master public speaker."

~ Johnny Rodgers
Heismann Trophy Winner, Hall of Fame Staffing

Individual/ Best Year Yet for Professionals

Yesterday I had the incredible opportunity to attend the Best Year Yet® Worldwide workshop alongside several of my Bank of the West colleagues. We identified our personal and professional goals, motivators, values, and fears. I set the framework to completely transform my life over the next 12 months, and become a better student, employee, and well-rounded 

person. I am so excited for 2017 to begin and for this to be my best year yet! I look forward to sharing my goals with all of you once I have them better refined.

~ Jennifer Trumpp
Loan Specialist, Diversity & Inclusion Leader Bank of the West

Best Year Yet® has made a large impact in both my personal and professional life.

~ Christen Frank
Program Manager, Bank of the West

The tools were really simple to use, the instructor was knowledgeable and helpful, and I think that you can apply these tools to both your business life and your personal life, so I would highly recommend it.

~ Susan Dunn
Senior Advisor Jeppesen (a Boeing Company)

As a program of Carolina Small Business Development Fund, the Western Women's Business Center is proud to present Best Year Yet [raise the Bar workshop]. We recognize that aside from receiving capital for their business, women entrepreneurs benefit from quality technical assistance to grow their business. This program offers just that. We received a great response from the community when we first piloted this program and are excited to continue to make it available to more women entrepreneurs in Western North Carolina."

~ Sharon Oxendine
Director Western Women’s Business Center

... we could not be more delighted with the impact of Best Year Yet. We spend time each day integrating the program into our daily work. We realize it will take time to see the real benefits but the initial results are amazing.

~ Peter Droege
Director Step Denver

Big thanks to Laurie Oswald and Manuel Wachter for taking time out with our team this week to discuss goals, guidelines, and positive paradigms for the year ahead. Super excited to make this our Best Year Yet!

~ Ori Chandler
Managing Director, OUTStanding, UK

I know I’m a valued employee but this is the first time in eleven years that my non-profit invested in ME – in my professional growth to help me focus, prioritize, and define goals that now feel more achievable than a week ago. Best Year Yet is a fantastic tool that makes me feel inspired, confident and motivated to act.

~ Steve
Nonprofit Director of Business Development

Best Year Yet for Teams

"In three years, our loan production grew by 244%, while dramatically improving productivity. At the same time, our leadership team became a confident, cohesive, and respected unit."

~ Tate Fitzgerald
Sr. V.P., Bank of the West

“I found Best Year Yet to be a rare opportunity to integrate personal and business goals in a lively, energizing format.”

~ Sandy Gorby Welches
Human Resources Manager

I have three degrees, but did not have one class in execution. Firms fail not because they lack a strategic plan but because they can't execute; and, they fail to execute because they don't have alignment. BYY engenders execution and alignment while having fun in the process.

 ~ Jon K. Mitchell
President and CEO, OMPRO

“After our bank was acquired by another institution, we enlisted the help of Results Coaching. Using the Best Year Yet process, our division’s New Paradigm inspired us to transform ourselves. Where we had been paralyzed by confusion and grief for the old days and “the way we used to do it,” we instead chose to believe in our expertise and ability to achieve new heights in “our new world.” By shifting our mindset and focusing monthly on specific stepby-step goals, we dramatically increased our production and profitability, and built a highly motivated team.”

~ Stew Larsen
Executive Vice President Mortgage Banking Division, Bank of the West

I've done strategic planning work for high performing organizations for over 20 years. This is far and away the most time and cost-effective process that I have seen or used.

~ Gary Edwards
Former CEO Health Care Industry

At the end of the year, we had achieved an overall score of 83% on our goals. We achieved 200% of our goal for adding new wholesale customers.

~ Norma Hansen
Co-owner Ferd's Bakery, South Omaha, Nebraska (10+ year Best Year Yet user)

"Best Year Yet® is a focused system that changes behavior, culture and performance time after time!"

~ Lawrence Churchill
Former CEO, Zurich Financial Services, UK

"I’ve done strategic planning for high performing organizations for over 20 years. This is far and away the most time and cost-effective process that I have seen or used."

~ Gary Edwards
Former CEO, Health Care Industry, USA

"We needed something to make senior managers accountable for building the entire bank. Best Year Yet® is the solution!"

~ Scott Bradley
President Pinnacle Bank

"In the past 12 months, our membership has grown over 40% and all of our programs have achieved an outstanding/excellent rating by our members."

~ Cathy Sutherland
President, Professional Women’s Club of Chicago

“Best Year Yet is not complicated. All the program asks of you is to do it and keep doing it! The results from my team speak for themselves - we moved from last place in the country to first in 

the highly challenging environment of sales and service. Best Year Yet played a big part and will do again as I take on a new and much bigger team this year.”

~ David McAvoy,
Regional Managing Director, NatWest Retail Bank, London, UK

"With the Best Year Yet® process, our leadership team is focused on the right things, getting them done and building our ability to execute reliably."

~ Diane Yost
Executive Director, Albany Park Community Center

"A highly successful program, challenging us to take a hard look at the business and ourselves and leading to a sharp focus on our personal and corporate goals."

~ Roland Alden
Managing Director, Bank of Ireland (IOM)

"We have achieved 91% of the goals we set out to accomplish, and we did it in a way that brought the team closer together with more direct and candid communication."

~ Maureen Blaha
Executive Director, National Runaway Switchboard, USA

"The personal Best Year Yet® program is the most effective personal organization tool I have ever used. The team program produced great results for my top team."

~Chris Gillies
Managing Director, Zurich Intermediary Group

"Quality improvement is our business. Best Year Yet® allows for Rapid Cycle Improvement. It is what we do, it mirrors what we teach."

~ Tonia Holowetzki,
MS OMPRO Director of Information Management & Communications, USA

"I have bought at least ten different strategic planning processes and none came close to Best Year Yet®!"

~ Dr. Robert Barthelemy
Director, Wright Brothers Institute, USA

"Now in our third year of Best Year Yet®. It just keeps getting better."

~ David Morganstern
Chief Financial Partner, CMC Advisors, USA

"PRO really simplified the job of keeping our team on track. At a glance I can see how the entire team is doing. I can’t imagine life without it!"

~ Carl H. Kleiman
President, Odyssey One Source, Inc. USA

"Best Year Yet has proven to be an excellent means of improving our business performance. It 

ensured the successful launch of Dalcassian Wines & Spirits and is supporting the ongoing business development – the monthly reviews are really keeping us on track. The whole team supports the process and it has been pivotal to our success"

Pat Rigney,
Managing Director Dalcassian Wines & Spirits Ltd.

“I’d recommend Best Year Yet for any leader looking for a sense of direction and ownership amongst their team while creating an ability to influence the wider business.”

Paul Stanley,
Head of Regulated Sales Halifax, PLC

“We are halfway through our first year and the Best Year Yet Team programme has already had a significant impact on our team and its vision. The structure of the programme brought the team together as never before, encouraged sharing of concerns, opened our minds and allowed us to think the previously unthinkable. It is easy to be cynical about packaged management courses, but this is an excellent vehicle and particularly well delivered by Ralph Peters who is outstanding at adapting it to the client’s needs.”

~ John Sweeting, Chief Executive Treloar Trust

"Most management teams fail to spend enough time on strategic planning, documenting short term goals and communication between senior executives. Best Year Yet provides an efficient 

and effective conduit which forces us to proactively address issues and track progress on a 

monthly basis. It is an excellent investment of managed capital. Best Year Yet has improved communication and ensures that all members of the team are rowing in the same direction"

~ Steve Keaveney,
Managing Director Broadworks Communications Ltd.

Executive/Leadership Users

"I'm making a darn good living by consistently executing on my Best Year Yet goals and plan, along with improving my leadership skills to develop a high-performing team. Jeanne’s coaching program, insights, and expertise have made the difference in taking me to where I am today." 

Michael J. Smyth,
Director of Finance, Bank of Montreal Capital Markets

Individual Users/SMBs

“The results were tremendous. I have achieved organization, focus and comfort in my business and life. After attending the seminar and putting into motion the things I learned I truly did have my best year yet. I would recommend the Best Year Yet to anyone who wishes to make change, needs a boost or simply would like to refocus what is happening in their life. “

~ Dennis Farn
Estate Agent, Re-max Real Estate

The process itself was transformational. It helped me see what I really wanted in my life and career, not just what I was doing at the moment.

~ Adam Speer,
Senior Manager Fox Web Creations

I totally loved the class which help kick my year off right! I'm excited about the possibility of really getting some stuff accomplished this year.

~ Aaron Wright,
CEOMinute Movement, LLC

I own a small financial planning and investment management firm. We have been creating and managing our annual business plan for over 10 years now through Best Year Yet, which is an international strategic planning system for both individuals and organizations, including companies and non-profits. We use their “Pro” online system to set annual values, paradigms, annual and monthly goals. The tracking system includes a monthly and quarterly scoring system to keep track of progress on goals, and identify problem areas. It also includes a weekly goal system that individuals can use to track their own progress toward the organization’s goals. We meet annually to review the previous year and to set annual goals for my company. All of this is input into “Pro” and we all use it to set and monitor monthly goals throughout the year. The system is very intuitive and easy to use. Users can do it themselves, or, as we have chosen, to have a Best Year Yet coach meet with us monthly to help keep us on track.

~ John V. Morey
Financial Advisor

I've only just finished setting up my plan for the Best Year Yet® program and I totally feel more encouraged to be successful with my goals than ever before! Thanks to Cathey and Laurie and Best Year Yet for guiding me in the direction of my best year yet!

~ Irene Hughes Bolen
Montessori School of Pensacola

I couldn't have imagined how useful this process would be and I am so excited to be taking this journey towards my Best Year Yet®! Excited about 2017!

~ Nir Panchal
Landmark Education

I couldn't have imagined how useful this process would be and I am so excited to be taking this journey towards my best year yet!

~ Roinanne C C Nedd
Founder, Women of Kaieteur

I just completed my Best Year Yet® plan. I am looking forward to the next 12 months and am very thankful for this process. This gives me a great guideline for the personal growth I need and desire.

~ Taylor Catrett
Certified Personal Trainer

This is my fifth year using the transformational goal setting system of Best Year Yet®. Truly the last few years have been my best years yet!

~ Beth Freewoman
The Open Hearth

I love the Best Year Yet® program because it incorporates practical goals with goals of the heart, and it helps you walk through the steps to get to those goals. Wonderful, wonderful program.

~ Jane Hatley
Randolph School

I am grateful to have a detailed plan for 2017 to put me/keep me on track so that I will realize what matters most to me with my family, career, health and friends. The online Best Year Yet® workshop was elegantly hands-on allowing me discover, clarify and create a master plan for the coming year.

~ Dr. David Hartman
Fine Arts Skin and Laser

I have worked in corporate America for 11 years and have been self-employed for 29 years. I have taken hundreds of courses and seminars during that time and nothing compares to Best Year Yet in terms of getting down to brass tacks and figuring out what needs to change. My course of action became apparent to me in the first 2 hours! I have spent whole retreat weekends doing this type of work without clear cut answers like these. I would recommend Best Year Yet to anyone for their business or their personal life!

~ Vanessa McClearn
Independent Senior Sales Director, Mary Kay Cosmetics

If you feel all over the place jumping from thing to thing, fire to fire, or just want a way of documenting and organizing your goals and objectives check this out.

~ Michael O’Neil, Owner
Golden Days Pet Services

“One of the biggest accomplishments for me was to write a book, and I have already completed 

my second draft and I believe I have a publisher for it. Another biggie was my trip to Ireland with 

my husband. We have tried to find time to go for years and I am happy to announce I just got 

back from my dream trip to the Emerald Isle. I can honestly say that I accomplished those goals because of those few hours I took out of my schedule to organize and get real with my life with the Best Year Yet programme. 

~ Vickie Kallman
Speaker and author

"Best Year Yet® was truly a unique experience on my journey to knowing myself and discovering clarity about my path in life. Our small team, led by Dory Willer was committed and inspired. It worked so well for me partly because of the commitment. I was engaged and eager to take on the assignments. It really helped us find the answers to what we were seeking. It was a great experience - one I still draw from today because I think the process tapped into my true self better than other course I've taken."

~ Deborah Goodwin
Writer, documentary film producer

I did the Best Year Yet® plan using the book for four or five years before discovering the online version three years ago. So I'm starting my fourth year with the plan. Even when I don't complete all your goals, I accomplish a lot more than I would have if I had no plan. I love having a plan!

~ Gwenn Sewell Gebhard,
Executive Director, Luther I. Replogle Foundation

"Just completed my Best Year Yet® life plan and top 10 goals for 2014. A fully online process, the BYY program walks you through the questions and makes it easy to collect your thoughts and plug in the information. The result is a one pager that captures everything I want to accomplish this year based on deep reflection of my past year's accomplishments, 

disappointments and lessons learned. Feels great to get it done! I strongly recommend the program."

~ Jermaine Stennett
Best Year Yet® user

"I love this plan! Very thought provoking! This is the first time EVER that I have completed my goals from start to finish! Very helpful to go through all of the online steps. I have the kindle book too! I used all of it!!! Thank you to my upline Candace Graham for suggesting this opportunity to us and our TEAM!!!"

~ Connie Hayes
Herbalife representative and special education teacher, Mississippi

"I tried this last year for the first time at a friend's recommendation. And it REALLY helped me focus what I want and need in my life. Going for it again this year!"

~ Kevin Myers
KRM Productions LLC

“The process was simple and energizing. I couldn’t believe how quickly it enabled me to “cut to the chase” and become focused on the things that truly matter. I am starting this next year with confidence, enthusiasm, and an action plan that feels both do-able and right to me.”

~ Ann Kelleher
CEO of Integrity Staffing and Solutions

"This has been one of the best things I've done in a long time. The positive energy and the goal setting has been amazing. Thank you and I am looking forward to having my best year yet!"~ 

Myiesha Majors,
Realtor at Prudential, California

"I’ve always been disciplined in reaching my professional career goals, but I rarely thought about setting personal goals. Several years ago, I started creating a Best Year Yet® plan to help me focus on the more personal side of life. Looking back, I am amazed at what I’ve accomplished and how I’ve grown. I am so much more focused on what’s really important and there is greater balance in my life. Developing the plan provides the groundwork for my year and monthly calls with my Best Year Yet® coach help keep me on track. Everyone can benefit from taking the time to create a plan using Best Year Yet®."

~ Marilyn Resch
10 years using Best Year Yet and counting

"If There is Anything Deeply Important to You that You Really Want to Achieve and/or Work on, Best Year Yet online is an awesome starting point. It is *so* well thought out and guided, so simple, and so inspired by You."

~ Shivonne Quintero
Owner/Operater, Goodness Gracious Extraordinary Pet Sitting

"I've used and recommended Best Year Yet® for nearly 18 years. As someone who runs their own business, as a communications consultant, trainer and coach, one of the few things I missed about corporate life was the performance piece. Best Year Yet® helps you set goals; learn from what you do, and stay on track. It's simple, steely and intuitive. Try it."

~ Jane Maitland
Communications consultant, trainer and coach

"Motivational and awesome - even though I know what I want to do and where I want to go this is a great tool just to keep me focused on track - well worth it for anyone wanting to improve."~ ~ 

~ Adam Gallagher Marple
Stockport, United Kingdom

That thing that had hindered me from personal growth and success was exposed. Now the big question comes... do I stay here or move to the light that this program has shared with me! I chose to believe in and use what I learned and before I knew it I was a Mega Agent producing results again! I was out of my personal storm and didn't realize my success until the stats were given to me! Now I can sell with confidence! This program was a God sent! I don't where I would be if I didn't pause for 3 hours to get clear on what was holding me back and more importantly to focus on what I wanted to create next in my life. Thank you, Best Year Yet®!"

~ Shirley Bell
Real Estate Agent

"Best Year Yet® helped me take small steps toward my big dreams. Now I have authored a book, and I am beginning a new social enterprise which will help organizations improve results for children and families. Onward!"

~ Deb Wilde
Executive Director of YouthZone

Meteorically successful people seem to have none of the hindrances I had to overcome. I think of them as mythical figures. Mortals have to knit their own chain mail, and what Best Year Yet did was give me the pattern.

~ Celia Brayfield
Bestselling author

My work with Best Year Yet enabled me to resolve the paradox between having the life I wanted for myself and worrying I didn’t deserve it.

~ Martin Shaw
Award Winning Actor and Star of BBC’s Inspector George Gently and Judge John Deed

Individual Users/Personal

"Six years ago, my best friend told me and our other BFF Lauren that we "had" to do a goalsetting activity with her. We scoffed and chalked it up to a boring antic of hers, but agreed to it as she expressed how serious it was to her that we make Best Year Yet® plans with her. Long story short, we all three developed a list of reachable and measurable goals, and that year I accomplished every single one mine and felt so incredibly empowered by it all. Since then I've spread your book far and wide. I've now done Best Year Yet® journals in Ecuador, Africa, in the mountains, at home, with friends, alone, with my staff, and even in a group interview setting. Every year I accomplish a majority of my goals, and I never punish myself for not completing all of them. Thank you so much for this tool, it truly has been a gift to the others and to me." 

~ Jessica Newman
Live Your Life plan user, USA

"Since that happy day in 1992 when Chris and I first discovered Best Year Yet®, we’ve used it every year. We started by rebuilding my husband’s business and then in 2000 after our 4 daughters had left home, we made the life changing decision to sell up and move to Granada, Spain, learn Spanish, renovate an old house, and build a catering company."

~ Scarlett Farrow,
Live Your Life plan user, Granada, Spain

“Best Year Yet® has raised my awareness, like tightening my relationship with myself. I’ve become more organized and focused on goals, both short and long term. I’m excited to be a part of the voice for Best Year Yet®!”

~ Ryan Webster,
Senior, University of Denver


"Best Year Yet® is the best staff integration and plan implementation process I’ve experienced in thirty years of management."

~ Bill Jastram
Senior Pastor, Tualatin Foursquare Church USA

I can't say enough good about having a Best Year Yet facilitator working with our Board of Directors. Karen Morey used their system to help us clarify goals AND the best part followed. She continues to use the system to keep us celebrating and working hard to prepare for each upcoming meeting, assuring steady progress toward those goals in a step-by-step fashion. There is no way we would be where we are without the services of Best Year Yet. It truly is our best year yet despite the recession. 

I personally use their system as well, setting goals for myself. It brings a lot of peace because instead of fretting about what hasn't been done, it records all the stuff that HAS been done. It also reminds me of the priorities I have set for the month - especially those for my health and the well-being of family. It keeps me from going off on tangents or forgetting the most important values in my life.

The program is changing how I see myself and my tasks in a very positive way. It's really been a turning point for me and for the Board of Directors. I highly recommend the program.

Ruth Leacock,
President Computers for Africa

Our team is spread throughout the world and your tool helps us to stay tuned very easily!! Very intuitive and easy to use as you know. Once you start with it, it's hard to miss ;-) 

Marie-Noëlle Keijzer,
CEO WeForest asbl/vzw… Making Earth Cooler

Not only were we able to focus on big picture thinking and strategy, we were also able to set tangible, manageable "stretch" goals that I know we WILL accomplish this coming year. A bonus of the day was creating a paradigm shift internally, which will position us positively for years to come.

~ Angela Astle
Founder | Exec. Director, The Athena Project

As a program of Carolina Small Business Development Fund, the Western Women's Business Center is proud to present Best Year Yet. We recognize that aside from receiving capital for 

their business, women entrepreneurs benefit from quality technical assistance to grow their business. This program offers just that. We received a great response from the community when we first piloted this program and are excited to continue to make it available to more women entrepreneurs in Western North Carolina.

~ Sharon Oxendine
Director Western Women’s Business Center

Initially, being on the leadership team I was skeptical about the value of coaching. However, the “Best Year Yet” program, led by the exceptional coaches Gayle Hanrahan and Mary Mudge, has proven to be a transformative experience.

Their coaching has been instrumental in moving us from good to great. Gayle’s expertise in life and business coaching, along with Mary’s profound insights, have guided us through this journey of growth.

The program has significantly enhanced our communication skills. Under their mentorship, we’ve learned to articulate our thoughts clearly and listen with empathy, leading to more effective team collaboration.

The leadership team’s initial skepticism has turned into a deep appreciation for the power of coaching. The personalized attention and tailored strategies provided by Gayle and Mary have led to a marked improvement in our leadership approach.

In conclusion, the “Best Year Yet” program has been a pivotal experience for us. We’ve not only improved our communication skills but also gained a deeper understanding of effective leadership.

I strongly advocate for this program as an excellent opportunity for individuals aiming to boost their leadership abilities and refine their communication skills.

Jeff Thompson

Director of Operations
Cool Air Creations Inc.

Jeff Thompson
Director of Operations
Cool Air Creations
10 Business Park Dr.
Smithfield, RI 02917
[email protected]


Participating in the Best Year Yet program has been an incredibly insightful and enriching experience for our leadership team. At first, I was unsure about the program, coaching, and its potential impact. However, after just a few meetings, it became clear that we were on the right track.

Our coaches, Gayle Hanrahan and Mary Mudge, were supportive and intuitive right from the beginning. They truly listened to each member of the team, which allowed them to provide personalized feedback and guidance. Their attentiveness and understanding made a significant difference in how the leadership team engaged with the program and each other.

Gayle and Mary’s coaching approach to professional development has significantly impacted our team’s growth. Through their structured guidance and valuable resources, we have gained deeper self-awareness, improved our strategic thinking, and enhanced our ability to lead with confidence and clarity. The program has equipped us with the tools and the framework to set and achieve meaningful goals, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and excellence within our team.

The Best Year Yet program has helped us strengthen our collaboration and communication skills and this journey has been instrumental in unlocking our full potential and propelling us towards greater success.

I highly recommend the Best Year Yet program to any organization looking to elevate their leadership capabilities and achieve outstanding results. It has truly been a game-changer for us.

Christine Goulet
Cool Air Creations, Inc.